Internet Status Alarm - A simple internet "down-or-not" alert tool

What does it do?

This is simple webpage that checks whether your internet is working or not every 5 seconds. If in case your internet goes down, it notifies you with a sound message.


Use this tool when you have to download a very large file but you are on an unstable internet connection. You might want to be notified immediately once the internet is down so you can check where's the problem, fix and resume the download immediately. This basically saves you the frustration of coming back to your computer after few hours or so, only to realize your internet went down during the download.

You can also screenshot the logs from this tool to show your ISP that your internet is not working properly.

How to use?

  1. Please make sure your speakers are on and the volume is at suitable level. Use the sound test below to adjust the volume accordingly.
  2. Leave this page running in your browser. You will be notified if your internet goes down. You will also be notified once it is back up.

Built by Preetesh Jain Follow @preeteshjain

This page is open-source. Contributions are welcomed!

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